Saturday, June 13, 2015

Frustrated when a client tells you they are using a supermarket brand moisturiser?

Do you ever get frustrated when a client tells you they are using a supermarket brand moisturizer and that they are very happy with it? Looking for ideas on how to handle such a situation?

What I have done in the past is try to educate the client about the differences between supermarket and professional skin care brands. Because this approach did not always work for me, I looked for other ways to approach this situation.

I now have tried a slightly different approach which has been working for me. When my clients tell me they just love their product and I come in and say, but mine is better and yours does not work as well, the ingredients are not as good etc etc etc. they feel like you are just trying to sell them. Their barrier goes right up and they shut down to any suggestions.

Something I learned in self-defence is, if someone grabs you and tries to pull you in one direction and you try to pull away in the opposite direction they are ready for it, they just pull harder or get more aggressive. Instead what you should do is go with them, move in their direction and this will throw them off balance. It will surprise them.

So to instantly overcome any barriers and to show them they can trust me and  that I am not judging them for their choices, I agree with them. I say, wow that's fantastic that you are looking after your skin, your skin will thank you for it. What your skin needs to get the results you are after is perhaps just a few tweaks to your routine. 

What I suggest are one or two products they can add to their existing routine that will make all the difference. For example an active serum, eye cream, active night cream, neck cream, corrective cleanser, resurfacing exfoliant - choose one or as many as the client needs that will make that difference in their skin. I fill their skin care gaps with other active product and once they see the results, they eventually come back and will be more open to using other products. 

When they purchase the corrective products, this is where I plant the seed for a moisturizer by giving them a sample and suggesting that they use this moisturizer one day to two days with the active products they purchased to see how they feel. They always notice a difference and it works every time.

I don't believe in pressuring people into buying, instead, I like to educate - after I have earned their trust. When they trust me and are willing to listen, I show them results and they keep coming back for more.

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