Saturday, February 28, 2015

Top Tips For Remarkable Retailing

Guest Post By Lynne Baker 

1: Don't think of it as "selling". Your clients want to buy, but they don't want to be sold to.  It's recommending the very best product for your client.  Listen to your client and recommend the product to solve their problem.  

2: "In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king".  Your clients come to you because you know more about skincare/hair care/makeup/nails than they do. They look to you for advice and guidance on the best products for their individual condition.  Don't disappoint them; make sure you DO know more than they do.  Everyone’s an Internet expert these days!

3: Believe!  If you believe in the products you can sing their praises to your client.  Use the products yourself and tell your clients how brilliant they are!  You will lose any shred of credibility if you can’t genuinely tell your client what the products have done for you.

4: Understand the products.  Once you understand what the products are, what's in them, what they are for and how they work, you can convey that to your client, and prescribe with confidence. Make it a goal to learn at least one product every week until you are confident about the active ingredients.  Your distributor will have details – just ask for them.

5: Realise the earning power!  It's free money!  You buy it, and you sell it for more.  If you sell a product to every client your bottom line will improve drastically, with no extra effort required.  You will rarely make enough money for a decent living unless you increase your revenue with retail.  Aim for a minimum of 30% of your total revenue. For every hundred pounds you take in your till £30 of that should be retail.

6: Involve your receptionist! He/She can be an invaluable sales person.  Make sure you include them in any product training sessions so that the correct recommended product is placed in front of the client for them to purchase.

8: Catch the moment! Always make sure you have stock of the most popular products - if your client has to come back for the products you've lost the sale.  When you’re setting your budgets ensure that you factor in retail products.

9: Display your products beautifully.  The display should be clear, bright, clean and FULL!  If you have display stands it looks awful if they’re half empty, dirty and dishevelled.

10: Keep accurate records of what your client has bought.  This serves several purposes.  When your client returns you can ask them how they’re getting on with x,y,z product, and they will be impressed with your thoroughness.  You can’t assess the effectiveness of a product if you can’t remember which one they bought! If your client wants to buy it again you have a record of which one it was – invariably they’ll say, it was the one in the white tube, red pot, clear bottle…

11: Invest in sales training for you and your staff.  Do not think of it as a net cost; it’s an investment in your business, and if you listen and learn from it it will pay you back in spades. Your distributor may offer this – ask them.

12: Do not take it personally if your client doesn’t buy.  You have no idea what’s going on in their lives to make them either unable or unwilling to make a purchase.  If you recommend a product and they refuse this is the point where you give them a sample.  They may never buy from you but they’ll always remember that you were still generous with them.

13: Don’t close your client’s purse before they’ve even opened it! Do not judge people on the way they look/dress/speak.  “You don’t get rich by spending it” is a useful thing to remember!  Some of the wealthiest-looking people are the stingiest…

14: Recommending the correct products for your clients is part of your professional responsibility.  You are failing in that responsibility if you don’t.  You wouldn’t expect to go to your GP and for him to say, “yep, you have an infection.  See you next month…” You would expect him to tell you what’s wrong, and what’s going to fix it.  It’s the same in our industries too!

Lynne Baker
UK Distributor of SwissDermyl

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Are You Unhappy and Wish for Things to Change?

Not happy in your current situation? Are you stuck in a rut, just plodding along, hoping for the economy to change or for someone to make things better for you?...

Are you laying blame on other things or people for your situation? Is it the landlords fault, is it your customers fault, is it the governments fault?

There are certain things we can't control, it will either hail or shine tomorrow, there is nothing we can do to change that. What you CAN control and can change, is how you RESPOND to it, how you think about it, how you feel about it, and what ACTION you take as a result.

For things to change, first you must change your internal dialogue, how you think about the situation you are having challenge with, and what you literally say to yourself about it.

Language and the words you choose are extremely powerful. The pen is mightier than the sword! People can be moved deeply with words, can be influenced to take action, can be motivated or broken down. So be careful what you say to yourself. Don't say "it can't be done" say " if there was a way, how CAN it be done?" Don't say "things are really tough, no one is spending money" say "let's see what we can do to stimulate more sales, entice people to book in for a treatment or motivate them to buy the product"

I learned from Tony Robbins to soften negative words I say to myself, and power up positive words I say to myself. For example instead of saying " I feel awful" I say "I feel a little unwell" or " I am not fussed with that" instead of saying " I hate that!" the words you use program the way you think and feel about it. You do have a choice every time you choose your words. Say, "that is just awesome!!" instead of saying "that is nice", power up your positive words, it puts you in a totally different mindset!

For things to change you need to break your negative state, snap out of it as they say, start looking for solutions, AND TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!

As Anthony Robbins said: The path to success is to take MASSIVE, DETERMINED ACTION.
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