People dream of having a great skin. People want to have a healthy, youthful, clear, problem-free skin. It boosts their self-confidence.
They way people feel about their skin affects every aspect of their life. I watch my daughter when she has a breakout, how she feels self-conscious because kids at school are cruel. They ask her "Why do you have a red skin? Eww, you have pimples on your face!" She hates it. When her skin clears up, she is so happy.
I was working on a beauty counter in David Jones many years ago, and a lady came by asking about her skin. I offered to give her a mini skin treatment and a makeup application to try the products. She looked and felt amazing afterward. She purchased her products and on the way out I watched her as she stopped several times, looking at her skin in the mirror, smiling, touching her face gently with her fingertips. It was as if she was surprised and delighted how good she looked. My heart burst with happiness for her. I was so grateful to be able to help another person feel so good about themselves. I couldn't wait to do it for someone else. Helping others look and feel great about themselves is incredibly rewarding.
You know what it takes to get a great looking skin. It's not just the professional treatments, it's the products they use at home to support the professional treatments that make the ultimate difference. You, as their skin care coach, need to teach them how.
To teach, you need to discover what your clients want to learn, then tell them what they need and how to achieve these results. Show them which products they need to use and educate them on how to use the products effectively to achieve results.
If you don't know, find out. Learn from your peers, read product information online, learn from your suppliers, attend regular training, read industry publications, attend post graduate courses online and offline. There are so many resources out there. You just need to pull your finger out and do it. Do it to boost your confidence. Do it so that you believe in yourself. Do it so that you can be of help to others.
You have the power to change peoples lives for the better. If you really want to.
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